Dear Writer

Do you feel stressed?

Órla K.
1 min readOct 17, 2021

Take it easy once in a while.
Put down your pen and take a walk,
or just lie on the bed.
Feel your shoulders
and your back.
Is there any muscle tension?
Stretch and relax.
What about your eyes?
Do you feel a strain?
How many hours have you been
staring at that bright screen?
I bet you want to scream!
Go ahead,
do it — yeah, scream!
Get all that frustration out.
Will long hours and speed
push that bestseller out?
Who knows?
Maybe not.
Who’s voice is it you hear?
Why not take some time to get it clear.
Dear writer,
take a nap,
rest your eyes
and stretch your limbs.
The world’s not going to end
— or is it? :)

Thank you for reading!

© Orla Kenny

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Órla K.

Learn about mental, emotional, and spiritual heath. Top writer in Travel. Christian Life Coach/Substack: