I like the image above by Tim Mossholder — Be Kind. Unwind.
What does he mean by unwind?
I don’t know what he meant exactly, but to me, it means to release the love that we often choose to hold onto, rather than reaching out and being kind.
Being kind is letting your love out.
— It is love in action.
Are we too proud or self-centered to offer help to an elderly person, or give a smile or word of praise to a child looking for attention?
What acts of kindness do you think we could do to help us to unwind and be more caring and friendly towards one another?
I have found a lot of kindness here on Medium which I am grateful for.
And so, I would like to invite some of you kind souls to write a poem on Acts of Kindness.
You can follow Sahil’s prompt below or just follow your own feelings. There is no pressure to participate — only if you feel led.
Gurpreet Dhariwal Yana Bostongirl FAIZAN AMJAD Esther George Pretheesh Presannan Warren Brown Anthi Psomiadou Chigozirim Sophia Emeka Jesse Wilson Graceygee Simão Cunha Frank Larkin Franco Amati Amy Pierovich, Ed.D. America Zed Michele Thomas John O'Neill Anne Chisom Ivette Cruz George Blue Kelly James G Brennan Alice Floris David Rudder Elle How pockett dessert
Thank you Sahil Patel for this prompt on acts of kindness. It doesn’t take much to be kind. For me, kindness is one of the most beautiful virtues as it touches people so deeply.
Below is another short poem I wrote about kindness…
I’ve also added some of my favorite poems written by the writers on this poetry challenge. 💞
They are not in any particular order.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have..
Thank you for reading!
© Orla K.