InThe Featured WriterbySahil PatelOrla Kenny: Wonderful Poet and a Travel WriterHer travel stories encourage you to travelNov 6, 202111Nov 6, 202111
InNew CreationbyÓrla K.He Didn’t Want Bad Karma and I Didn’t Want to Disobey GodWhen two religions meetJun 1, 20236Jun 1, 20236
Órla K.For Those of You Who Are Interested In Asia Food: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Has it All!I’m not even a foody & I just can’t stop eating here :)Jul 13, 20236Jul 13, 20236
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.How A 19th-Century Poem Comforts Me in the Beautiful City of ExeterA verse engraved on the surrounding path of Exeter CathedralAug 23, 20233Aug 23, 20233
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.St. Nicholas Priory: Exeter’s Oldest Building Dating Back as Far at 1087Founded by Willian the Conqueror as a priory and later turned into a rich merchant’s townhouseAug 28, 20231Aug 28, 20231
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.You Won’t Know Till You Go!He who hesitates is lastMay 10, 202310May 10, 202310
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.A Refreshing Drink to Quench my thirst in Bali, IndonesiaIt’s been twenty-five years since my last visitMay 21, 20239May 21, 20239
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.16 Cool, Magnificent, and Unusual Things to Enjoy in Barcelona, SpainCatalonian culture will dazzle you with its rich and unique architecture and art, leaving you with a thirst to return for moreDec 2, 20224Dec 2, 20224
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.19 Stories and Poems About My Time in Spain and Other Travel DestinationsTravelling is about getting out of our comfort zone, letting go of our attachment to people, places, and things — it’s about taking a leap…Dec 3, 20224Dec 3, 20224
InCurated NewslettersbyÓrla K.Are You Over 40 and Have a Dream of Travelling Around the World but Have No Idea Where to Start?Have no fear, I will teach youDec 4, 20222Dec 4, 20222
InSoul TravelbyÓrla K.Sevilla, A City in Southern Spain that Captivated My Heart: I’m Sure it Will Do the Same for YouA photo story-2021Nov 27, 20224Nov 27, 20224
InGlobetrottersbyÓrla K.Globetrotters Writer Spotlight Story — Orla KennyTo travel is a privilege — I don’t like to forget thatAug 28, 202223Aug 28, 202223
InBlue InsightsbyÓrla K.We Were Born to ExploreWhy I left home for distant shoresSep 14, 202115Sep 14, 202115
InAge of AwarenessbyÓrla K.Teaching English and Traveling in VietnamHanoi — Da Nang — Ho Chi Minh City… jobs available.Mar 11, 20212Mar 11, 20212
InWorld Traveler’s BlogbyÓrla K.Simplify, Simplify, Simplify — The Joy of Traveling LightLiving with only the essentials can free your mind for more important workMay 18, 202110May 18, 202110